B&B Properties Logo

Family Owned Since 1975.

Premier Medical Office Space in Oak Ridge, TN

About B & B Properties

Learn about the company behind Oak Ridge's premier medical office space.

B & B Properties was formed in 2001 with the purchase of property in the Mariner Point Subdivision in Clinton, TN. Bobbie Arowood was General Contractor in building numerous townhouses, condominiums and single-family homes in Mariner Point.

In 2006, B & B Properties purchased Jackson Plaza at 800 Oak Ridge Turnpike in Oak Ridge, TN. Jackson Plaza is a historic, landmark, 10-story tower w/ over 174K square feet of medical and office space. While maintaining its status of THE tallest building in Oak Ridge, Jackson Plaza offers Class A office and medical space in a campus style facility in the historic Jackson Square area of Oak Ridge.

Today, Bobbie Arowood manages B & B Properties, maintaining a diverse portfolio of properties ranging from Class A office and medical space to climate-controlled storage to residential condominiums.